
Being a True Consultant to Your Clients

Submitted by Mitch Seigel on Wed, 6/04/2013

The goal for most professional salespeople is be a true consultant to their clients. How long does it take to be a consultant? Well, the old axiom, it depends…

There are a lot of driving forces to being a consultant to your clients that you cannot control. Since you can’t control those forces, you should focus one area, yourself. You can control what you do any given situation. For most salespeople, they let their emotions get in the way based on what their prospects do, and don’t take control.

The best way to be a true consultant is to spend a lot of time in preparation. Know your client’s products and services inside and out. Learn what makes him or her tick. When meeting with your clients ask them questions that have nothing to do with what you sell, but everything to do with what they do for a living. Your interest wins you points on the right side of the column.

Even going that far isn’t always the end-all answer. Remember, your competition is trying to do the same, so you must outshine your competitors enough to make your client sit up and recognize the efforts you are giving to serve their company.

Just like prospecting where you need to be persistent, in developing rapport with your client, which builds trust toward a great consultative relationship, you’ve got to keep being in the game at all times. The moment you let down your guard is the moment that someone else will come in and swoop up your client right in front of your eyes.

What are your challenges when it comes to consultative selling? I look forward to hearing your comments. Until next time…